
Instalikes - achieve measurable increases

If you started Instagram with few subscribers, you will be happy about every new follower whose instances and comments indicate that he appreciates your posts. Unfortunately, it is difficult to generate new Instagram followers, especially in the early days. It starts with likes. Because your photos, short videos or statistics can be so attractive and cleverly prepared - where there is not already a two- or three-digit number of likes, the hoped-for result, namely to get more instances, is usually long. If you feel the same, first check whether the instances are missing because you may not have hit the right tone yet to reach your community. A common beginner mistake is that pictures are posted without comments and personal addresses. A simple introductory sentence is sufficient - it is important that you give your followers the feeling that you are thinking about them when you post them and not just start a program. If your postings are perfect, but the instances are still wai